Here is a run through of the Spot N Paste settings that are featured to you on the eBay dashboard.

Some photos below are showing buttons that are no longer available. That is why there is no information on them. So if you notice that difference that is why. :-) 

Edit Message

This button opens a window for you to create a custom message to send to your buyers.

Click here to learn more about this feature

Copy Addresses & Supplier Domain

Click here to learn more about this feature.

Mark Ordered

Click the orders that you would like to add a note "Ordered" on and then click the "Mark Ordered" button to bulk add the seller notes to those orders. 

Settings Wheel

Copy Order ID

Some users requested to always have the order ID copied because with additional suppliers that we do not bulk add addresses too, it can help them with other tasks. Because of that we have added a way for you to toggle using this feature or not using it. 

Please note that when you are bulk adding addresses, this feature will be used and can not be turned off. 

Hide Expected Delivery Date

On some browsers, showing the expected delivery date that is set by eBay has been known to slow down the function of Spot N paste. If you experience this, you can turn off that feature by selected the box "Hide Expected Delivery Date"